Fotovis: user-centered development of a tool for visually browsing photographic collections




Fotovis is a tool for visualizing, exploring, and analyzing photographic collections. It is a partial result of a PhD thesis that investigated alternative, visual, and more generous browsing strategies — based on Digital Humanities — for digital tools. This paper discusses how Fotovis was conceived, developed (at the prototype level), and evaluated (at the interface level), through a user-centered approach and using a sample of photographs from the Moreira Salles Institute, an important Brazilian cultural entity. The goal is to highlight the definition of the users of Fotovis, and the design decisions that meet their exploratory and analytical needs.


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Author Biography

Júlia Rabetti Giannella, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Designer e pesquisadora interessada na interseção entre design, visualização de dados e gestão do conhecimento. Doutora em Design e Tecnologia pela ESDI-UERJ. Docente na UFRJ, assistente de pesquisa no Laboratório Visgraf e membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação - SBDI. Em 2019, fundou o projeto DatavizRio no qual atua como curadora de meetups, palestrante, facilitadora e professora na área de dataviz.



How to Cite

Rabetti Giannella, J. (2021). Fotovis: user-centered development of a tool for visually browsing photographic collections. InfoDesign - Brazilian Journal of Information Design, 18(3).


